This is Us...

Mad Cow Custom Designs began a few years ago when two people with a lot of creativity and a lot of kids decided it was time to put their love of making things to actual work. We had always had a passion for toying with new ideas which included some fancy gadgets and as we learned and grew, friends, family and more became interested in the fun stuff we were making.
Over the years, its changed, evolved and more toys have been added but one thing has stayed the same, our joy of bring you are newest invention or watching yours come true as we mix your imagination with ours.
We are Chris and Stephanie. Together, we each bring three children into the marriage, for a total of six kids. We have been called the Brady Bunch in reverse. He has three girls and me three boys, all very close in age so the teenager years got real, real yall.
I was raised a military kiddo and grew up and still remain in Clarksville, TN. My husband grew up in Hawaii, spent some time in Californa, and eventually came to TN where he and I met in 2014 and married a couple years later.